Dataset extent

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The IBI MFC provides a short term (5-days) high-resolution wave forecast product for the IBI (Iberian Biscay Irish) area. The IBI MFC wave system is twice a day run by Nologin in coordination with Puertos del Estado and with the support, in terms of supercomputing resources, of CESGA. The IBI MFC wave model system is based on the MFWAM model, and it runs on a grid of 5 km of horizontal resolution forced with the ECMWMF wind data. Apart of generating the 5-day forecast product delivered to CMEMS users, the IBI MFC wave system is setting up to provide internally some coupling parameters adequate to be used as forcing in a coupled IBI NEMO ocean model forecast run.

Datos y Recursos

Información Adicional

Campo Valor
Última actualización 18 Septiembre, 2020, 17:09 (UTC)
Creado 18 Septiembre, 2020, 17:09 (UTC)
campaign id 00018
campaign name SAGA_Portimao
coordinate reference system WGS 84 (EPSG 4326)
data assimulation None
end time 2019-07-09T16:59:58
feature type Grid
observation/models numeric-model
processing level L4
product identifier IBI_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_WAV_005_005
product type near-real-time forecast
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-19.0, 26.0], [-19.0, 56.0], [5.0, 56.0], [5.0, 26.0], [-19.0, 26.0]]]}
spatial resolution 0.05degree x 0.05degree
start time 2019-07-09T10:06:03
temporal resolution hourly-mean
vertical coverage surface